Collaborative Research Center (SFB) - Transregio 45 'Periods, moduli spaces and arithmetic of algebraic varieties' Bonn - Mainz - Essen
Main Page (Bonn - Mainz - Essen)
Bonn Spokesman: Prof. Daniel Huybrechts
U. SachinidisEndenicher Allee 60, Raum 3.004, 53115 Bonn
E-mail: sachinid (at, Tel.: +49-(0)228-73-3143, Fax: +49-(0)228-73-3257
Bonn Members 2007-2019
Principal Investigators and Projects in Bonn - Third Funding Period 2015-2019:
Prof. Gerd FaltingsProject M 05 Perioden und Periodenbereiche
Dr. Eugen Hellmann bis Wintersemester 2016/2017 (danach Professur Muenster)
Project M 06 Shimura varieties
Prof. Daniel Huybrechts
Project M 07 Calabi-Yau categories
Project M 08 Modulräume, symplektische und Calabi-Yau Mannigfaltigkeiten
Dr. Vladimir Lazic bis zum 31.03.2017 (danach Professur Saarbruecken)
Project M 08 Modulräume, symplektische und Calabi-Yau Mannigfaltigkeiten
Prof. Michael Rapoport
Project M 05 Perioden und Periodenbereiche
Project M 06 Shimura varieties
Prof. Peter Scholze
Project M 03 Galoisdarstellungen, endliche und gemischte Charakteristik
Project M 05 Perioden und Periodenbereiche
Prof. Jan Schröer
Project M 07 Calabi-Yau categories
Prof. Catharina Stroppel
Project M 02 Perioden und Motive
Project M 06 Shimura varieties
Principal Investigators and Projects in Bonn - Second Funding Period 2011-2015:
Prof. Gerd FaltingsProject M 05 Periods and period domains
Prof. Daniel Huybrechts
Project M 07 Calabi-Yau categories
Project M 08 Moduli spaces, symplectic and Calabi-Yau manifolds
Prof. Emanuele Macri bis 15.09.2011
Project M 07 Calabi-Yau categories
Prof. Michael Rapoport
Project M 06 Shimura varieties
Prof. Jan Schröer
Project M 07 Calabi-Yau categories
Prof. Catharina Stroppel
Project M 06 Shimura varieties
Dr. Eva Viehmann bis 31.03.2012
Project M 06 Shimura varieties
Principal Investigators and Projects in Bonn - First Funding Period
Prof. G. Faltings (MPI) Project A 11 p-adic cohomology
Project B 01 Non-archimedean period domains
Project C 09 Vector-bundles
PD Dr. U. Goertz (Bonn/Essen)
Project B 08 Affine-Deligne-Lusztig-Varieties
This project was in Essen since 10/2009
Prof. D. Huybrechts
Project B 02 Period domains of hyperkähler mainfolds
Project C 03 Derived categories of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Project C 05 Lagrangian fibrations of symplectic manifolds
PD Dr. M. Möller (MPI until 12/2009)
Project B 09 SL (2, R)-action on translation surfaces and Teichmüller curves
Prof. M. Rapoport
Project B 01 Non-archimedean period domains
Project B 10 Arithmetic cycles on Shimura varieties
Project B 07 Local models of Shimura varieties
Prof. J. Schröer
Project C 01 Algebraic Calabi-Yau categories
Press Release:
Pressemitteilung Verlängerung am 26.05.2011
Vorstellung durch am 11.04.08
Pressemitteilung der DFG vom 23.05.2007
Last modified: 06/2018 sachinid (in domain
Angkana Rüland receives Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2025
Abel in Bonn: Abel Symposium 2025
Wolfgang Lück receives the von Staudt Prize
Gerd Faltings elected member of the Order Pour le Mérite
Geordie Williamson receives the Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award 2024
ERC Starting Grant for Markus Hausmann
EMS Prize 2024 for Jessica Fintzen
Bonn mathematics performs excellently again in QS ranking
Stefan Schwede is invited speaker at the ECM 2024 in Sevilla
Jessica Fintzen wins Cole Prize
Catharina Stroppel receives Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2023
Jessica Fintzen is awarded a Whitehead Prize of the London Mathematical Society
Peter Scholze elected as Foreign Member of the Royal Society